Privacy Policy

1. Personal Data

New Space Portugal, with registered address at Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques, no. 1825, 4450-017 Matosinhos, collects the personal data necessary for contact and communication with the users of its site, such as:

· Full name;

· Email address;

· Contact information;

· Telephone number;

· Information about the use of the site, including the IP address.

2. Purposes of the treatment

The personal data collected are intended for the following purposes:

· Communication and contact with site users;

· Responses to requests for information;

· Analysis of the use of the site, with a view to improving the user experience.

3. Storage period

Personal data will be kept for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected.

4. Rights of data subjects

Under the terms of applicable legislation, users may request access and rectification of their personal data, and may also request that they be updated, amended or deleted at any time, and for this purpose, they must contact New Space Portugal at the following e-mail address:

5. Personal data security

New Space Portugal will keep the personal data it has received, taking the appropriate and necessary measures to avoid unauthorized alteration, loss, treatment or access.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy

New Space Portugal reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, under the terms of applicable legislation.