NEW SPACE PORTUGAL - through the launch of LusoSpace's first satellite - marked another significant step toward its materialization yesterday. The PoSat-2, named in honour of Portugal’s first satellite, marks the beginning of a constellation of 12 communication satellites designed to map maritime traffic, monitor weather conditions, and address other critical factors affecting navigation on the oceans.
This launch heralds a promising year for the NEW SPACE PORTUGAL programme, which will also develop and deploy other satellite constellations, such as the Atlantic Constellation for Earth Observation, further solidifying Portugal’s strategic position in the global Defence, Security, and Sustainability markets.
Highlighting the space sector’s cross-cutting nature and its positive impact on the nation, local communities, and the planet, yesterday's event brought together dozens of distinguished figures, including the Secretary of State for Defence, Ana Isabel Xavier; the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, João Cartaxo Alves; the Secretary of State for the Economy, João Rui Ferreira; the Secretary of State for the Sea, Lídia Bulcão; the Secretary of State for Science, Ana Paiva; and the Secretary of State for Fisheries, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar.
The PoSat-2 launch event was hosted at the headquarters of VdA – Vieira de Almeida, in Lisbon, a member of this consortium. Aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 was also the Prometheus-1 satellite from the University of Minho, a pedagogical mission aimed at inspiring future generations of space talent.
The Portuguese space sector is undoubtedly to be congratulated! Through NEW SPACE PORTUGAL, it promises to continue driving the country’s space ambitions forward in the years to come.
“A importância do Espaço” foi tema em destaque no programa Sociedade Civil, da RTP2, que contou com a participação de quatro organizações que integram a Agenda New Space Portugal: GEOSAT, CEiiA, Omnidea e N3O.
Durante a conversa, discutiu-se o desenvolvimento que o setor espacial português está a viver e a capacidade de atrair e reter talento para os projetos inovadores em curso. Projetos que, ao longo da próxima década, ambicionam posicionar o País como uma nação espacial, promovendo a tecnologia desenvolvida em Portugal nos mercados globais de Sustentabilidade, Segurança e Defesa.
Também se abordou a necessidade de mecanismos de investimento eficazes que permitam ao País consolidar uma ‘economia do novo espaço’, reforçando a importância desta aposta num setor tão estratégico como o setor espacial, atualmente em aceleradíssimo crescimento a nível mundial.
Programa completo aqui.
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